Looking for a one of a kind gift? Need materials for the next DIY project? Want to make your own project without all the prep work?
Wether searching for a cool project, a DIY kit, or a random item, we do our best to have something for you. Our goal is to try and keep as many usable, random things out of the landfills as possible. We have completed upcycled projects that are great for when you want to give a gift that you know was handmade with care and love. There are some times that you want to be the one creating something special with your own hands. Sometimes you may not have all the tools, the time to find all the materials, the patience to get through all tedious pain in the butt prep work. To meet your needs, we have several diferent kit options available.
JUST PARTS: all the parts you need to complete a project. Does not have any prep work completed other than collecting the necessary materials for construction. Kit will include a parts list and a basic diagram of components. If you are ordering from this option, you already know what specialized tools you may need and how to use them.
PREPPED PROJECT: all parts prepped by being cleaned, sanded, primed, etc. The kit is shipped ready for you to add your own finish or paint and complete the assembly to finalize the project. Parts list, diagram, and specialized tool list are included.
SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED: the project is still a pile of parts without your help. All the prep work is completed as well as finish work such as paint or sealer. Some smaller components are preassembled and shipped ready for you to use basictools to bring this kit to life. Project will include step by step instructions, parts list, and diagram
There are times when seeing something destined to be discarded and forever disregarded puts a pit in my stomach. These are the items that I cannot help, I have to bring them home with me. They are unique and beautiful pieces that have a story to tell if they could and still have a lot of life left in them if they can just !nd the right home. Then there are times when people bring me stuff because they too see value in saving the “they don’t make them like they used to” materials. All these items are randomly collected and are waiting for someone with more vision & creativity than what I have to put them to good use.